It’s time for all of us to be on the side of preserving the greatest Constitutional Republic in the history of the World. We hear the echo of the words of Thomas Paine,
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country.”
To those in our ranks who wish to shrink in this moment and deny the urgency of the task ahead, we urge you to find the mettle for this struggle. There is no sideline to watch from. Those who want to stand clear of our obligations in this moment are underserving of the effort, sweat and tears of the rest of us. We are faced with the most urgent call of our lifetimes to energize our voters and get and keep them motivated to preserve American democracy.
WE WANT YOU TO JOIN US! The CapeGOP is made up of CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS who still believe that smaller government is better government, that Freedom flourishes when government is kept in check, that government answers to the People and not the other way around.